Orange Blossom Honey
يُصنع هذا العسل بشكل رئيسي من رحيق أشجار الحمضيات مثل البرتقال والليمون. وهو عسل ذو رائحة عطرية وناعمة للغاية، ويحتوي على نسبة عالية من الستريك مما يمنحه طابعًا رائعًا.
ويكون لون هذا العسل عند استخلاصه عنبريا فاتحا، ومع أنه يتبلور فيفتح لونه حتى يصبح أبيض مصفر. من جانبه، رائحته ناعمة ومميزة، مع مذاق حمضي يمنحه التوازن.
الوزن الصافي: 250 جرام
تم إنتاجه وتعبئته في لبنان
Nutrition Facts
Orange blossom honey is not only a sweet delight but also a natural remedy with a range of health benefits. Its sedative effects make it a recommended choice for those battling stress or anxiety, acting as a natural tranquilizer. It boasts a potent antioxidant effect, shielding our bodies from free radical damage and potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases. This honey is also an ally against colds, helping prevent them and soothing sore throats. Its antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities make it a go-to for healing wounds and burns. Additionally, it safeguards delicate stomachs by acting as a natural antispasmodic without irritating the stomach's mucous membranes. Those who experience cramps can benefit from its properties, as it helps relax tense muscles post-exercise. And for a good night's sleep? Two tablespoons of orange blossom honey before bedtime can do wonders.
100% Bee Honey
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